Use buttons  play notebook to display previews of the notebooks. Note that not all the features of ecco are enabled, in particular it is not possible to execute the cells and some interactions with component graphs are limited.

RR static analysis

This notebook illustrates how a RR model can be analyzed without computing its state-space. Essentially it consists of displaying: the RR model itself, the variables characterization, the ecosystemic graph and hypergraph. See RR help for a presentation of these notions.

RR component graphs

This notebook illustrates how to perform interactive incremental analysis of the state-space of a RR model. This consists mainly in successive splits of the states with respect to properties, yielding a component graph that is progressively refined. These graphs are displayed and can be interacted with so that the next step of the exploration can be decided conveniently.

Improving livelihood through crop-livestock integration

Maximilien Cosme, Arouna Koné, Franck Pommereau, Cédric Gaucherel


The notebook from Cosme et al., 2024, adapted to the newer version of ecco.

Borona region analysis

Colin Thomas, Franck Pommereau


An adaptation of the notebook originally published together with Thomas et al, 2022 including minor changes to make it compatible with the newer versions of ecco.

Original termites model

Cédric Gaucherel, Franck Pommereau


A simple RR model of a termites colony, originally published in Gaucherel et al., 2019. The analysis has been adapted to ecco: in the paper, the explicit state-space is first computed and then sets of states are aggregated into components; with ecco, we proceed the other way round, starting from a symbolic component graph that we split progressively into its individual states.